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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

BATTER UP!!!!!!!!!!!

The Del Rio Rams Baseball Team is not doing very well. But it's Ol' Geno's favorite sport so he loves going out and supporting the team. I know he wishes HE was their coach!

Monday, March 21, 2011


I saw this bird this morning in the backyard. Looked it up in the ol' bird book. I didn't take this it off the internet. It is a Vermilion Flycatcher...not to be confused with the beautiful, yellow, screechy Kiskadee Flycatcher (of which we have many). Spring is really here. Trees green, hummingbirds arrived yesterday and I hung up my 2 feeders. They are already battling it out over the nectar. UPDATE: These birds are trying to drink out of the hummingbird feeders! Don't know if they are getting anything.

My snapdragons are sparse, but pretty colors.

The first gardenia of the season. This bud was on the bush for four months and hung on all winter. The plant is small but I can see TEN more buds coming!

An Odessa teacher and a Del Rio teacher trading classroom stories in Pecos. Alonzo taught with Gene at the TYC in Pyote. Gene's 'spring break' knee pads are so stylish.

Two Steve's-west Texas boys watching other west Texas boys find a gas leak in the alley in Pecos.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

BRACKETTVILLE, TX- March 2011- Pop. 1,751

I like this picture because it has: an old building, plus redbud tree, fire hydrant and cactus.

This year is the Centennial of the Brackettville Courthouse.

Catfish heads....anyone...anyone?

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This creek was the perfect spot to build Ft. Clark

The high winds were causing problems with everybody's fires.

There were folks there from many other forts across Texas.

These 5 blogs are just a portion of all the stuff we saw...and didn't see. Yesterday they had a Cavalry mounted demonstration that they didn't have today...and a chuck wagon supper. This morning, before we arrived, there was an old fashioned baseball game. We also saw, old time country musicians, country line dancing, a motorcycle club w/ their bikes (from Eagle Pass), arts & crafts and bake sale.

FORT CLARK DAYS 3/4 & 3/5 2011- "WEAPONS"

They gave demonstrations with this cannon. It was VERY loud!

A pretty fancy ass gattling gun. They did demos with this too.

This display was VERY interesting. It was a collection of WWII stuff from Switzerland. That basket on the right, behind the bike, has mortars in it.

This gun was mounted on one of the two WWII Jeeps.

Knives, hand grenades, flash lights etc. All from the Swiss Collection.

FORT CLARK DAYS 3/4 & 3/5 2011- "ANIMALS"

These camels live near Waco. They seemed pretty darned content.

This guy told us that the camels travel very well...even better than himself!

I didn't notice until later that this cow had a baby calf a-hidin' behind her on t'other side.

When you live out in these can't get away from the Border Patrol. They are everywhere...even mounted!

Ft. Clark Days- 3/4 & 3/5 2011. "PEOPLE"

The people that come to these festivals are great. They are really educational regarding history and some of them are even descendants of soldiers that were stationed at the fort.

These guys were fun to chat with. They said it was SO windy last night and they were rockin' and rollin' in their tents.

This guy was very informative. He showed us and told us all about making bullets in the bullet molds he had.

The folks that come to these events go to 3 or 4 "Frontier Days" per year and come from Waco, San Antonio, Ft. Stockton and even St. Louis. This guy talked alot and did a good job playing "TAPS".

Buffalo Soldiers played a BIG part at Ft. Clark as they did at Ft. Davis. This guy is telling this lady all about his saddle and other equipment. Yesterday (Friday) the festival hosted 1500 school children. I bet they loved it and learned alot.

One of the many Indian Dancers of all ages. The wind was blowin' their feathers all over the place.

This guy is simply a-contemplatin'.


This sign goes with the photo above. If we'd stopped and read every sign we saw...we'd still be there.

This is the museum. The buggy out front was used by a doctor. Don't forget to notice that cage/jail. There is also a sutler's store, theatre and others too numerous to mention or remember.

I don't think anybody will get in or out of this window.

The buildings are beautiful old rock and very thick. The fort is 2700 acres and has many, many buildings...and a stables...and a spring fed pool...and one of the old barracks is a hotel...and an RV park etc. etc.