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Saturday, October 23, 2010


The church ladies wanted to make SURE I got a picture of their priest eating their good food.

This guy served up our brisket tacos.

Fryin' up the flautas and some papas.

These ladies in their cute aprons are at all the local food fairs. They are part of a church fund raiser. They are making gorditas dough.

Cookin' up the gordita dough.

Not sure...something chicken...pazole?


Fryin' up something...I forgot what.


A very tired little Cub Scout.

This parade had more TIARAS than I ever saw.

I'm partial to the accordian players!

This little girl's "parade wave" is getting tired. We sat where the parade was winding up. It lasted over an hour.

This little cutie was serious about her hand clapping.

Some folks brought their boats!

Gotta love those Shriners.


This little Brownie wants her two front teeth for Christmas.

The only clown in the whole parade.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010


Gene collected water from this stagnant pond. Some of his students who never do any paperwork got pretty excited when they saw all kinds of moving, scary things in the water under the microscope. He also had them look at slices of Aloe Vera and a cork. Course there's always the popular "student choice"..which is hair and boogers. I was surprised no one mentioned blood.

Next we got water at "the duck pond" and surprisingly enough it proved to be fairly clean.

The ducks and geese were pretty pissed that we didn't bring any chow! They are loud! Jamey and I had been there a few days earlier and fed them.

I've never seen a goose with blue eyes before.

This sign is one of the things that inspired me to begin walking. Today was day #4...Do I enjoy it? Not really. Afterwards am I glad I did it? Yes. How long will it be before I am not sore anymore? There is a nice park nearby and I walk over there and around the track once and then home. It's a very popular place...there are people there all day and especially in the evening. They are all ages and all sizes...some fast & some slow. It's less than 2 miles and takes me 40 minutes. That's the best I can do for right now. Today I added small hand weights. I have to go in the morning or it doesn't get done! I sure hope I can make myself keep it up!
It's fall and the skunks are here. Bennie got sprayed by one the other night. Luckily there was a wooden fence (there are 1" spaces between the boards) between him and the skunk so it wasn't too bad...dumb dog.
Gene had his first ever open house last night. Out of his 100 students about 15 showed up w/ their parents...which was more than he expected. Of course it was the better kids and not the ones who really needed parent/teacher conferences. He seemed pleased and rather enjoyed do the "parent thing" which he's never ever done before. There's no parents involved when you teach in prison. A few parents couldn't speak English so he had an interesting time talking to them in his "3rd. grade" Spanish.