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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nuthin' much....a Spring Blog.

A few weeks ago....a friend of our neighbors had her daughter's quinceanera party in our street. They're setting up.....

It had a "boots-n-hats" sorta theme...hay bales and all.

Gene posed with as many pretty women as possible. Here he is with next door lady Sylvia.

Birthday girl Giselle with lady friends....her mom is 2nd from the left....Miriam, Bebe, Sylvia and Celina.


I like to sneak up behind people and take their picture. Celina ALWAYS looks good from the back.

Cake balls and Mexican beer (w/ a candle on the side)....a great combo.

Change dates and gears...this is a crappy picture that I got off the internet. Kay and Bruce and I went to see DICK DALE a few nights ago. He'll be 77 years old in May. Read his bio on wikipedia and then Google Miserlou youtube. This is for my Dear Brothers! I was thinking of you.....the music was amazing....and LOUD!!!

Dick Dale...he had very amusing and interesting 'patter' and can STILL rock the house.  Jimi Hendrix and Eddie Van Halen were influenced by D.D. 
Switch gears again....Spring has sprung. Our bouganvilla is blooming well....and the so are the Pecan and Oak makes me sick w/ allergies. How do you like my thrift shop bowling ball?

Well....THAT'S not very lady-like!!!!

Silly Cherry....trying to be Bennie...but never will be....

So...Gene is trying to grow a goatee. Gee's not so swell because the hair on his head is still dark and his face hair ain't. HAPPY EASTER YA'LL!!!!!!