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Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Oops...that's not art.

Huh...well, usually my 'blog-maker' turns the pics around properly. Anyways this is gourd #6.

#6 was a Christmas present for Jamey.

I don't suppose this is actually 'art''s a pile of lavender sachets that I made from vintage hankies that were my Aunt Anna's. I mailed them to girls I love.

Wth? A sideways picture of a sachet...and it's off center. I'm perplexed...and don't care.

An up-side-down cross that had been kickin' around unfinished for at least 6 months.

I bought these 2 canes when I was in Cozumel in November. Finally finished painting the one on top. The bottom one is how they looked when I purchased them.

This had been kickin' around for at least a year. I always start something and then if I run into problems it just sits there and sits there. I'm not real happy with hangs a bit 'cockeyed'. At least I finished it.

I bought this little lamp at the thrift shop last year for $5. It was a plain terracotta color. I had such a good time painting it that I knocked it out in 2 days. Jamey told me when she was here for Christmas to paint I finally did.