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Saturday, June 23, 2012


This is not going to be a very interesting blog...but some folks have asked for these pictures so here goes... This is our tiny backyard. It ends where the green soda bottles are on the low fence. Nice big area beyond w/ lots of shady pecan trees...the dogs like to bark at many squirrels.

Gene disappears into the small storage shed. There is ALOT of bamboo around us. The bats and grackle birds love it...we do not.

This is the back entry the right. Bennie is looking for feral cats...of which there are at least 20...UGH!! He does not like the gravel hurts his sore feet.

No matter how small of a house or yard I find for us to live... Mr. Geno ALWAYS finds many chores to do. That bell and huge pole have gotta go...who wants it? Dated 1885 from Yvonne's family farm in Mississippi. We are tried of dragging it around. We've moved it FIVE times.

When we got home from vacation (9 days ago) Bennie had done this to his front leg. He has left the back leg alone. This picture was taken today.

Today is shot makes me cringe to have to do it. My heart says "Don't!"...but my brain says "You HAVE to!". He gets an injection every 3 days. We have just started vial #3...the vials get stronger as we go along. How can he get any better if we keep injecting into his body exactly what he is allergic to? He can't. I continue w/ strong steroids to try to control the sores...I give him more than the suggested isn't doing any good. I think I may doctor these sores today and then bind them up with gauze.

Master bedroom. We are happy to have NO carpet in the house.

T'other side. This built in bookcase has been a life saver for my stuff!

This is an extra room that has washer/dryer (behind those doors on the right), desk and computer.

T'other built in desk on left.

Living room. The corner cabinet is sold to friends in Kyle...will deliver it in a few weeks. We will be replacing that ugly, ineffective window shade...I HATE IT!

T'other side. We are hunting for just the right (2) bar stools for the counter on the left. There is no dining area at all in this place. We care not.


jamey poole said...

Thanks for posting these, Mom. I have been very curious to see how you've settled into the new place. Looks like it is getting the Mary and Geno treatment already-- yay!

Love you,

David said...

Dear Mary,

Thanks for the pics. It looks like you and Gene are totally moved in and organized.
