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Sunday, August 28, 2011


We went over to my friend Esther's house this morning and bought this canoe. It is in excellent shape and came w/ 2 wooden paddles.

Gene sweat about a gallon and me about a half gallon getting it into position to drive across town....and it was only 9 a.m.

Stowed it safely in our backyard until we find a better way to transport it out to Lake Amistad (14 miles) and/or the Pecos River (50 miles). The lake is so much closer but I hanker to canoe between those high, high sheer cliff walls of the river. We need to buy life vests etc....and the weather needs to COOL OFF!!!!!

This is my grandfather "Woody" in his canoe that is now used by my nephew Toby in San Marcos, Texas. This picture was taken in 1939. Who took it? I spy a paddle in the front of the canoe...whose is it? Certainly not my grandmother's. Woody painted the crest of his beloved West Point on the bow...a portion of it remains today. This canoe is still in frequent use 72+ years later. Should I buy a pith helmet? What is under Woody's tarp?

Bennie cares not about any canoe. 3 legged dogs don't swim.

Willie doesn't care either...all he wants is a warm, soft pillow for his all day nap. Other news: Gene went to a teacher's party last night at the lake and said the star gazing was EXCELLENT! When was the last time YOU saw the milky Way?


David said...

Dear Mary,
Wow, great new blog. Your canoe looks great. I know it will be lots of fun. Special thanks for the pic of Woody in his canoe. I saved that to my computer.

jamey poole said...

Wow! That's a nice, big, new canoe! cool :)

The dogs are lookin pretty relaxed-- nice life for them!
